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These Intranet headlines will make you rich!

These Intranet headlines will make you rich!

Picard facepalm‘Link bait’ and ‘click bait’ are terms used by marketers to describe headline links that are so tantalizing they’re bound to be linked to from other websites, and shared on social media.

These tactics are most famously used at Buzzfeed and Upworthy, but newspapers also pander to our curiosity, especially on their websites (e.g. Daily Mail).

We had some fun last Friday transforming dull corporate headlines into Buzzfeed style titles, with the #IntranetLinkBait hashtag on Twitter.

The purpose of a headline is to help people decide whether to read more. So much of our internal communications on the intranet can be overlooked because of dry headlines that don’t consider the audience’s needs. So should we go the same way with internal comms?

Probably not, but here’s a thought – could your comms take advantage from the ever-popular listicle format? People love the clarity of ‘Seven steps to…’ and the simplicity of the seven paragraphs when scan-reading.

If you want to craft more engaging comms for your intranet, download our free guide to creating intranet content.

Many thanks to all our Twitter friends who joined in. Ready for another round? Tweet using #intranetlinkbait

Wedge Black

I support ClearBox in everything we do online, and I assist clients that are considering redeveloping or replacing their intranet platform. I worked in global and regional organisations as the intranet manager as part of the comms team, before becoming an intranet consultant. I'm the founder of the Intranet Now annual conference. I’ve tweeted about intranets and comms for fifteen years now.

1 Comment
  • Posted at 12:17 pm, 24 June, 2014

    These Intranet headlines will make you rich!

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