How to start with people’s needs before you draft a page; here’s how to put research into your Content Ops (Operations) to ensure your content is useful, usable, and used. Prove the worth of your content; design it with employees.
How to start with people’s needs before you draft a page; here’s how to put research into your Content Ops (Operations) to ensure your content is useful, usable, and used. Prove the worth of your content; design it with employees.
We’re publishing too much gumph.
We’re publishing details that we imagine are useful to colleagues.
We’re publishing stuff because a stakeholder wants it ‘out there’.
Here’s how to start with people’s needs before you draft a page; here’s how to put research into your Content Ops (Operations) to ensure your content is useful, usable, and used. Prove the worth of your content; design it with employees.
Introducing content design techniques and practices to improve your internal communications and intranet content.
Videos and presentation files from our regular webinars are published within our resources section.
Videos and presentation files from our regular webinars are published within our resources section.
Videos and presentation files from our regular webinars are published within our resources section.
Having managed intranets for global and regional companies, Wedge has hands-on experience of enterprise platforms and employee-focused digital communications.
Wedge focuses on user-research to help define needs and design user-centred, task-focused systems – for collaboration, task completion, and knowledge sharing. His early background in document management means he’s conversant in ISO 9000 standards, and appreciates the importance of information management.
He specialises in intranet navigation, content, and home pages that meet employee’s expectations.
Wedge is a prolific writer, and has also presented across northern Europe; he’s judged the Digital Impact Awards and is the creator of Intranet Now, the independent intranet and comms conference in the UK.
Videos and presentations from our regular webinars are published within our resources section.