Why now is a good time to consider deskless workers
We have just updated our employee mobile apps report to help guide you through the busy marketplace of options. These products are ideal for that subset of workers in many businesses that are labelled ‘hard to reach’. Often this label is applied to deskless, untethered, frontline workers, as their needs are so different and so much more challenging than those of desk workers. However, over the past few years employee mobile apps have emerged as a new breed of employee communication and productivity tool.
What are employee mobile apps?
Employee apps draw together news, team communication, workflow and information access to create a pocket-sized digital workplace. They are particularly effective for firstline workers to digitally equip them with a tool for daily use.
More than that, employee apps can serve the strategic needs of the business across multiple departments through just one product. They are often cheaper than their intranet cousins, while also being lighter, leaner, and therefore easier for frontline workers to engage with.
What’s new in V1.1 of our comprehensive report
We’ve created a quick video to explain what’s included in the report.
The communications and app marketplace
There are hundreds of employee apps and intranets on the market. You need to select the right one(s) for your business, which can be difficult to do when dealing with enthusiastic vendor salespeople or when you’re unsure exactly how to search for them in the first place.
We have created a series of reports to help guide you through the options, including one dedicated to employee app products. We have reviewed 30 products in total, and you can download a free sample to get an idea of what you would be buying.
How to buy
Pay by card or via PayPal and the 500-page PDF will be yours in a matter of minutes.
We’d really like to hear your thoughts on our report, so please leave a comment below or email us at hello@clearbox.co.uk. Please let us know if you write a blog post about the report, or tag us if you do anything on social media too.
If you’re a vendor and would like to hear more about how to be involved in our reports please get in touch over email – apps@clearbox.co.uk – and we’ll see what we can do.