Two intranet events for 2014 – special discount codes
Intranet and digital workplace
Sam Marshall, Director of ClearBox, will lead a workshop on intranet governance, and give a talk on a Roadmap for the Digital Workplace at IntraTeam Event Copenhagen.
Sam’s 90-minute workshop will be at 3pm on the 25th February – Intranet Governance in the Real World – How to Make It Stick. The aim is to go beyond policies, to consider how to change people’s behaviour and create a more effective intranet. The workshop will make you re-think your approach, no matter how big your intranet is or what platform you use.
- Check the workshop programme and then add Sam’s governance workshop to your Lanyrd account.
On the third and final day (27th February), Sam will talk about the roadmap for a digital workplace. Sam is straight on after Kurt Kragh Sørensen’s morning welcome.
The 50-minute presentation is based on first-hand experience, and will explain how to bring coherence to the various intranet, social, and internal systems that make up the digital workplace within large organisations. Sam will reference our digital workplace manifesto, which you’re welcome to download now.
You can get a 15% discount if you use our code in the comment field at the bottom of the registration page (it might say ‘Kommentarer’ rather than ‘comments’).
You can grab the discount code from within our Digital WorkPlace LinkedIn Group (we’ve been asked to keep it for our contacts only). Then register for IntraTeam Event 2014.
This year’s conference is the biggest ever, with 29 speakers and three tracks to choose from. You’re bound to recognise many of the names and faces.
The Twitter hashtag is #IEC14
If you’re considering attending Enterprise Search Europe, get a 20% discount by using our code in the ‘priority code field’ as you register – it’s at the first screen as you register so you can’t miss it.
- Use: MARSHALL20 as you register for Enterprise Search Europe 2014.
The three-day event in London (workshops on the 28th April, talks on 29th and 30th) will help you tackle enterprise search and deal with ever increasing volumes of structured and unstructured information across your intranet and digital workplace.
The workshops (day one) and talks (day two and three) will show you the tactics and strategies needed to get the best results from your current infrastructure, and ESE will showcase the latest search products too.
Take a look at the programme, and see who you know.